Character Reference Letter Examples

   Character Reference Weakness

To Whom It May Concern:

I’m sure you’ve heard plenty of wonderful, positive things about {Name}, which I assume is why I’ve been asked to speak specifically to their weaknesses.

As humans, all of us have areas in which we can improve. The good news is that some people, like {Name}, possess the good character and self-reflection to identify, acknowledge, and address their personal deficits.

In {Name}’s case, they are unbelievably efficient. I don’t think that {Name} has ever missed a project deadline. They work quickly and diligently to get the job done.

The flip side of this strength is that sometimes {Name} overlooks details. There have been a handful of occasions over the past {time period} where we’ve needed to backtrack and adjust for some oversights. For example, {anecdote}.

However, {Name} never deflected or denied responsibility. With zero defensiveness, they put their nose back to the grindstone and got the projects up to snuff. These incidences are becoming less and less frequent, and I’m confident that {Name} will continue to mitigate this small weakness.

I would not hesitate to hire {Name}.


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Index of Character Reference Letter Examples