Dear Sir or Madam,
The purpose of this letter is to speak to the character of {Name}, whom I have had in my employ for {length of time}.
In {Name's} time as my subordinate, I have grown to trust {him/her} with more and more responsibility, because {Name} has proven to be reliable and efficient with all types of work. {He/she} does not complain about having to be at work, and is in fact always actively seeking new projects or assignments.
{Name} is well-liked at {Name of Company}, and other employees know they can go to {Name} with problems and concerns, since {Name} is willing to listen and can often come up with solutions. {He/she} is also of good moral character, and is kind and generous to those around {him/her}.
{Name} has been nothing short of a phenomenal employee for some time now, and I am more than happy to have {him/her} working for me.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
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Index of Character Reference Letter Examples